The standard membership subscription in 2025 is EUR 28,50 per month (EUR 342 per year). Membership of The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO is included.
The membership fee is fully tax deductible. SAVAL informs the tax authorities directly of each member's individual payments.
For self-employed the monthly subscription fee is EUR 19,75 (EUR 237 per year). This does not include the membership in unemployment benefit fund.
A student who is studying the first coaching related degree can be a student member. The monthly subscription fee is EUR 75 per year (EUR 6,25/month). With the membership of unemployment benefit fund the membership fee for student member is EUR 138 per year (EUR 11,50/month).
A member who is temporarily living abroad and no longer covered by the social insurance system of Finland may continue with SAVAL membership. Member living abroad pays an annual membership fee of EUR 54. This includes legal advice and guidance from SAVAL, and also ASIA magazine (SAVAL information) at a designated home address abroad.
Membership in abeyance does not include membership of the unemployment fund.
If you you wish to place your membership in abeyance, you must first notify SAVAL's member service.
A member who has permanently ceased working, for example due to retirement on unemployment or old-age pension (reached the age of 65 year), may remain in the union as retired member of SAVAL.
A retired member retains nearly the same benefits as a regular member. Retired members are no longer enrolled in the unemployment fund, legal advice on employment and liability and legal aid insurance. If Leisure time accident and travel insurance included in membership remains in force until the end of the year when the member reaches the age of 68 years (coverage for members living permanently in Finland for more than 6 months of the calendar year).
The annual membership fee for retired members is EUR 84 in 2025 (invoiced in a single instalment).
You must notify SAVAL's member service of your retirement.
You can activate e-invoicing through your online banking service. You may pay the ASIA yearly membership fee in a single invoiced instalment or in separate instalments.
Through e-invoicing, the instalment selection is made by authorization through your bank. ASIA sends the payment details directly to your bank service. You just need to verify and approve the invoice. If necessary, you can change the due date and amount before confirming the invoice in your online banking service. Select ASIA (Asiantuntijat ja Esihenkilöt ASIA ry, Y ID 0915522-8) to be invoiced. When adding ASIA, you also need to add your SAVAL membership number.
All membership fees will be paid to ASIA (Asiantuntijat ja Esihenkilöt ASIA ry) account. Please notify, that you have saved ASIA account number and reference number in your online banking service.
Type ASIA as Asiantuntijat / ASIA or ASIA’s business ID 0915522-8.
The membership subscription may be reduced on application if the member has no earnings or equivalent compensation, for example due to unemployment, family leave, job alternation leave, studies or long-term sick leave. The reduced monthly fee is EUR 15. Membership subscription reductions may be granted for periods of not less than three full calendar months. E-mail for a discretionary subscription rate application form.
Keep your membership card with you at all times, as you can display it to claim various member benefits and it also serves as an insurance card on holiday trips.
Be sure to notify us at once of any changes in your workplace or contact details. You can notify changes through our website, by e-mail or tel. +358 9 2510 1370.
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